Monday, November 20, 2017

Fast forward...

Well, I guess it would help if I didn't start a blog and then completely forget about it....

Fast forward two years (!!!) Bitty has grown, and we have again added to our feline family.  As usual, it was mostly unintentional. I swear, *they* seem to find *us*.

We have a dear friend who needed to move, and the place she was moving into is strict on number of kitties.  She had over the number and needed to re-home a few, and the minute I laid eyes on this pretty little Siamese face, I knew she was probably coming home with  me.

Chris is as big of a sucker as I am for a pretty Siamese face, so after sending him a picture and getting his approval,  into a carrier she went, and we were off for her new home.

Now we had a good thing going with Bishop and Bitty, and I wasn't really looking to rock the status quo, but the combination of "she needs a place to go, NOW" and that face...well, what could I do?

After a few tense moments exploring the living room, she discovered the bedroom. And then she discovered under the bed. And then she discovered the hole in the box spring.  Yeahhhh, two days later... I get her out, I bring her  into the living room, and shut the bedroom door so she can't get back in there, while we repair said hole in the box spring.   We probably shouldn't have bothered. Because as soon as she figured out there was OMG A WHOLE HOUSE, she went from "shy and timid" to "Queen Diva of the Universe" in about two seconds flat.  Weirdest thing I've ever seen.

Five months later, she is firmly settled in, and is Chris's cat all the way.  I'm acceptable if Chris is busy, or if I have her blankie over me, but other than that...yeah, she's a daddy's girl.

She's also scary-smart.  She fetches her string (that she took away from Bishop), and will try to stash it in one of our Aldi bags.  She tries to get into the Aldi bag, and seems to understand most of what Chris tells her.  He's adjusting to being owned by her, which isn't always easy - she seems to think that he is her own personal property and his sole purpose in life is to entertain or provide a sleeping surface.  But I have to say, he's smitten.

Unfortunately, Bitty is NOT smitten.  These two do not get along. The best break-through we've gotten with these two is for them to sniff each other without hissing or growling. But it never lasts, and Lily will chase Bitty  to the basement every chance she gets. To be fair, Bitty could stand to be a bit more assertive, rather than let Lily by with running her downstairs.  But for the most part, it's an armed truce.  Bishop could care less - he will condescend to chase her if she warts him enough.